Photos of Our Clinic

Therapist working with gymnast on core stabilization and balance. It is important that all athletes have strong core strength in order to help prevent injuries.

Kinesio® Tex Tape is an elastic therapeutic tape that has become the standard for therapeutic and rehabilitative taping. Kinesio Tape provides the injured joint or muscles with support and pain relief. Southwest Orthopaedic Physical Therapy has three certified Kinesio Tape Practitioners on staff

Foam rollers are a good way to stretch or “roll-out” tight muscles and tissues, especially the upper leg muscles.

Stability balls are a great tool for gaining for strength and balance. With this exercise, the therapist is working on core stabilization as well as hamstring and gluteus strengthening.

The Leg Blaster Machine is used to strength the quadriceps muscle (front of the thigh). The Leg Blaster is a great alternative to traditional squats that can be hard on the knees and back.